Yesterday was another Granville Island day, good business around dinner hour, lots of donations from the (much) younger set. Cockles of my heart particularly warmed by a little girl who came over to give me some coins as I was packing up in front of Petit Ami Café and said "thank you for the music!" Kids often give me money from their parents, but I find they're usually a little nervous and confused about the whole thing, so this was an adorable rarity.
The old man running the gourmet popcorn stand a few tables away from where I was playing told me I have "a great sound", and that he especially loved "Jolene". "I didn't recognize some of the other stuff, but Jolene was great."
My biggest Vancouver busking challenge so far? Remembering to say "thank you" instead of "merci" when people lend their support (both monetary and verbal).
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